Stop wasting money by throwing out your old eggs! Check them first with this easy test for egg freshness!
Am I the only one who has these thoughts?
How long has that carton of eggs been in the fridge? Can I get away with using an old egg?
All too often I forget about a carton of eggs at the back of the fridge. They get put in a weird spot, something gets set in front, and I lose track of them!
Too many times have I thrown away (well, composted) what could have been perfectly good eggs because I didn't know this trick!
How to Test for Egg Freshness
Finally, I got to thinking, our ancestors didn't have "Sell By" dates, so how did they test for freshness?
Turns out, there's a really simple test!
1. Fill a large cup or bowl halfway with cool water.
2. Gently place egg in water.
3. Wait for egg to settle!
4. Read the egg... if it sinks or stands on end, it's fine! If any part of it floats above the water, TOSS IT!
Congratulations! Never throw away another egg in wonder!
Don't test the whole carton and put them back in the fridge. Just test the number you need immediately and leave the rest. This is because washing an egg sort of "breaks the seal" on the shell and starts to allow bacteria to pass through! Yuck!
So, to avoid this, just test the eggs that you will be using right away. :-)
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